Labo Life 2L INFLAM capsules 30 p.
The Löwen Apotheke imports Labo Life 2L INFLAM capsules 30 pieces for you, as well as all preparations from Labo Life Belgium, at your request.
Microimmunotherapy is an immunomodulating treatment. Which works with the same messenger substances as the immune system (e.g. cytokines, hormones, growth factors, nucleic acids) in order to send information to the organism and “adjust” the immune response correctly again. In contrast to classic immunotherapy, micro-immunotherapy formulas use a broad range of immune substances (the so-called “messengers”). These are prepared in low concentrations (low and ultra-low doses) through a process of dilution-dynamisation, thereby guaranteeing high tolerance. Furthermore, depending on whether stimulation, modulation or inhibition on the organism is desired, the levels of concentration used can vary within the same formula. Just as occurs naturally within the body, the substances are administered following a specific sequence, a precise order.
These are prepared in low concentrations (low and ultra-low doses) through a process of dilution-dynamisation, thereby guaranteeing high tolerance. Furthermore, depending on whether stimulation, modulation or inhibition on the organism is desired, the levels of concentration used can vary within the same formula. – –
– Just as occurs naturally within the body, the substances are administered following a specific sequence, a precise order.
Additional product designation Labo Life 2lInflam
Manufactorer: Labo Life
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For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
We do not have this medicine in stock, but we are allowed to import it for you. This results in an extended delivery time and the return is excluded. For more information, please contact our customer service. Customer service.